Monday, October 13, 2014

The Restricted Us of Creatine Monohydrate in Regular Workout Routines !

Creatine, as we all know that it is the favorite pre-workout shake for most of the athletes and weight lifters. There are many ways in which creatine monohydrate is being utilized by sports men to increase their performance in the field and the most famous one is in the shape of powder. Most of the creatine products available in the market are coming in powder form as it is quite easy to consume them whenever and wherever. In the recent research about weight lifting and sports men health, I have gone through some shocking revelations that creatine’s use is inappropriate for most of the athletes if they are not following a proper chart of dosage. The shocking thing for me was that I have always heard of people and magazines boosting off the thousands of benefits of taking creatine products and so on but here the case was reverse.

Creatine Ball
After going through this new, I went through some internet research and found evidence of extremely notorious side effects of creatine monohydrate on athletes and weight lifters. Being a health trainer, this was quite astonishing for me but then I gathered up my courage and decided to pen down some facts for the guys working hard in the gym. Let’s have a look at what really changes the game for the sports men and why they should take extra care while using this stuff?

What research says about creatine monohydrate intake?

Research has basically unveiled the fact that to say it is appropriate to take creatine before you workout for all the adults is not true at all. The intake of creatine largely depends on some health variables. The age of the athlete, his workout routine, physical condition, weight, health condition and other factors determine the amount of creatine that is safe to be consumer every day. If we are to follow this pattern then it is going to be hard for the guys to go in a smooth creatine consumption routine and your changing health and weight would increase or decrease the use of creatine for you.

Why it is important?

To pay necessary attention to these variables is very important because there has been lots of cases in US where excessive or even regular use of creatine has contributed to serious damage to the health of athletes. Once major problem that is often seen in later ages of those who are habitual of consuming creatine is that their chances of facing a heart attack are higher than any other normal person. Similarly some researchers have critically proved that use of creatine results in a slow but steady decrease in your eye sight making your lens weak with each passing day.

Now what to do?

We trainers and our gym guys just cannot let of the use of creatine now but seriously after going through all these stunning researches and revelations, I am planning to change the creatine intake habit of my guys and plan a proper per week creatine consumption schedule for them according to the variables in mind.

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